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"I hadn't known his name then. I'd seen him coming and going, of course, and we'd exchanged nods and greetings, but it still felt a bit peculiar to be sharing the dawn with a man who was just a scrap of gray flannel away from naked."
pg. 13 (ARC)

LOL... sounds promising.
Oooo sounds good! xD
And that is an awesome cover!
Thanks for stopping by my blog, and happy reading! :)
I love the "scrap of gray flannel"! Sounds intriguing. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Lisa @ Bookshelf Fantasies
Sounds like a good book. I will have to add this one to my wish list.
Amanda @ Books & Band-aids
OOh teasing indeed!
Here's my Teaser
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
Ummm…wow…gotta know more! Great teaser.
Here's mine: http://duckduckcow.blogspot.com/2013/01/teaser-tuesday-briar-rose.html
That creates a rather "teasing" image in one's head. ;) Great teaser!
Oh my! What happens next? I must know. Off to check out this one on Amazon. :)
I am so excited to see another book by this author. Great tease.
A scrap of grey flannel....nice! Love the teaser!
Here's my Teaser
Wendy @ Wendy's Musings
Sounds sensual.
Thanks for visiting my blog.
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