This is probably one of the best books I’ve read in
a while. Everything about it is so beautifully, so cleverly done that it’s hard
to find what to praise first.
Let me start with the characters. Since this is
literary fiction, the characters are obviously the most important aspect of the
novel. Eva, the narrator and Kevin’s mother, is an incredibly real person,
someone you can identify, despite some of her personality’s nastier aspects.
Her voice bursts through the pages, someone as indomitable as her son, Kevin.
Speaking of him, he’s the other fabulous character in this book. We see him
through his mother’s eyes, so we of course have a biased view, but even through
that lens we see someone fascinatingly complex. Despite his many, many faults,
he is someone the reader gets to know and empathize with.
The writing is just fabulous. The story unwinds
itself slowly as the pages turn, revealing little by little the tragedy that
overtook Eva’s life. It is so cleverly written, giving us just tastes of the
truth, hints of what’s to come. It might be literary fiction but it keeps the
reader at the edge of his or her seat like a thriller.
As if you couldn’t tell by now, I recommend this
book to everyone (except younger readers, of course, since there are pretty
graphic images of both a violent and sexual nature). This is one that just must
be read.

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