To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next>

Currently, I'm reading Breakdown by Katherine Amt Hanna

And Modern Women by Ruth Harris

I just finished reading The Awakening by Jeffrey Pierce You can read my review here.

Next, I'll probably read The Eyes that See (The Balancer Chronicles) by Chris Adonn

I haven't heard of any of these but I definitely want to look into them :o) Thanks! And thanks for visiting my blog!
Mickey @ imabookshark
Oh The Breakdown looks really good. I'm curious - what do you do in real life that allows you to get through so many interesting books?!
Here's my WWW:
LOL, I'm a singer and a writer, so I have a lot of time to myself. I'm lucky that I do not hae a 9-5 job, but one that is more freeing and solitary.
The Awakening sounds great. I'm going to have to hunt it down.
These sound like interesting books.
Here's Mine
The Eyes that See - something about the title and cover made me think "Hmm, what's that?" Have you really liked the Chronicles - do you recommend them?
Like Mickey@ I haven't heard of any of these books before.. I'm glad you are enjoying them.
So nice to learn a little about you. I love listening to others sing, and I love reading what they write. I wish we could hear your singing voice, can you add a little video of you singing sometime? Just wondering...
I haven't heard of any of these either. Enjoy!
The Eyes that See caught my attention too, I'll have to check into that one!
Here is my WWW if you'd like to visit!
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