Q: Do your reading habits change based on your mood? Do you read a certain genre if you are feeling depressed or happy?
Sometimes, though not usually. If I'm feeling really down, I usually pick up a Stephen King book. It might seem like a weird choice, but his books usually capture my whole attention, so it distracts me from feeling badly. If I'm happy, I read pretty much anything.

Someone else said they read his stories when they're sad too. I've never read anything from him. Might have to give it a try. Thanks for stopping by today!
Nice answer! Stephen King's writing does capture a person's full attention. :) New follower!
Mary @ Books Equal Brains
Hi there - I've read a few answers where a scary book takes the mind away from feeling down - never tried it but sounds like it works :) Beautiful blog, btw, love your background.
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Renee @ Succotash Reviews
Love the design of your blog! Thanks for dropping by :)
When I'm happy I read anything, when I'm sad I'm pickier.
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Hee hee! That's awesome! Not many people can say they read Stephen King to put them in a better mood! But your rationalization explains things!
That's why I love reading paranormals! I get so caught up in them and have so much fun that I forget my worries!
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Old Follower :)
Cool answer! I haven't read any books by Stephen King. I'm gonna have to try it one day. Lol. Nothing like a good book to make you forget your troubles! Happy Friday!:)
I like your answer. I have never read a Stephen King book. Thanks for stopping by. I'm a new GFC follower!
Steven King freaks me out!
But you are right, he will definitly capture your attention!!
Old follower
Could NEVER get into anything Stephen King ever did. I don't do creepy. o.o I understand capturing your entire attention though. :) Clever. :)
Hi there!
New follower here. :)
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yeah, a Stephen King book would do that to you!
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Have a wonderful weekend!
If I am moody, or just don't know what I want to read next, I go for my "comfort food reading" authors. One is Debbie Macomber, of which I doubt you ever heard of, but anyway that's the one I read when down in the dumps or as you may say...in the snake pit...
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