Friday, August 3, 2012

Follow Friday

Q: Do your reading habits change based on your mood? Do you read a certain genre if you are feeling depressed or happy?

Sometimes, though not usually. If I'm feeling really down, I usually pick up a Stephen King book. It might seem like a weird choice, but his books usually capture my whole attention, so it distracts me from feeling badly. If I'm happy, I read pretty much anything.


@MelissaJoLynn_ said...

Someone else said they read his stories when they're sad too. I've never read anything from him. Might have to give it a try. Thanks for stopping by today!

Mary said...

Nice answer! Stephen King's writing does capture a person's full attention. :) New follower!

Mary @ Books Equal Brains

Renee - Succotash Reviews and The Cookbook Papers said...

Hi there - I've read a few answers where a scary book takes the mind away from feeling down - never tried it but sounds like it works :) Beautiful blog, btw, love your background.

Following back!
Renee @ Succotash Reviews

Unknown said...

Love the design of your blog! Thanks for dropping by :)

Cassi Haggard said...

When I'm happy I read anything, when I'm sad I'm pickier.

My follow friday! Please visit!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Hee hee! That's awesome! Not many people can say they read Stephen King to put them in a better mood! But your rationalization explains things!

That's why I love reading paranormals! I get so caught up in them and have so much fun that I forget my worries!

Here's my Friday Hops

Have a GREAT weekend!

Old Follower :)

caffeinejunkie said...

Cool answer! I haven't read any books by Stephen King. I'm gonna have to try it one day. Lol. Nothing like a good book to make you forget your troubles! Happy Friday!:)

Anonymous said...

I like your answer. I have never read a Stephen King book. Thanks for stopping by. I'm a new GFC follower!

Mrs. Jones said...

Steven King freaks me out!
But you are right, he will definitly capture your attention!!

Old follower

Amelia said...

Could NEVER get into anything Stephen King ever did. I don't do creepy. o.o I understand capturing your entire attention though. :) Clever. :)


Michelle SedeƱo said...

Hi there!
New follower here. :)
Here's my FF/TGIF.
Have a great day!

Linda @ (un)Conventional Bookworms said...

yeah, a Stephen King book would do that to you!

Thanks for stopping by my FF post to leave a comment :)

Have a wonderful weekend!

Gigi Ann said...

If I am moody, or just don't know what I want to read next, I go for my "comfort food reading" authors. One is Debbie Macomber, of which I doubt you ever heard of, but anyway that's the one I read when down in the dumps or as you may the snake pit...