I kind of do both. If it's a book that's really moved me, I know I have to immediately start reading something else or I'll fall into one of those "book blues" where nothing seems very interesting because of that fabulous book I just finished reading. I let the last book marinate a bit in my head while I move on to other stories. Then I write the review, where I can gush all I want. It's a system that requires conscious effort, especially after finishing long series or tough books that leave you almost scarred, but it really works for me.

I love how you worded that. I, too, need to move on from good books or I'll get all weird and sad about it. Great answer. Glad I'm not the only one!
Thanks for stopping by.
I've never looked at it that way, but your way makes sense. I fall into the "book blues" a lot because unless I'm reading a series, I very rarely know what I'm going to read next!
A nicely written answer, I agree!
Book blues is a good way to put it. I never thought of it that way. I experienced that a couple of times. Thanks for sharing. :)
Really great answer. I can relate to that term "book blues". I read, I write my review and I move on to the next book! Sometimes a book stays with me, but I still begin reading the next one.
2 Kids and Tired Books BTT
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