Q: What is the last book that made you cry? Tell us about the scene…
That would probably be the last book in the Legends Trilogy by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. Test of the Twins. I don't want to give the whole scene away, since it comes at the end of the book and is therefore a major spoiler, but it's about the two brothers, the twins, and it really is very, very sad.

I haven't heard of that series, I'll check it out on Goodreads.
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Have a nice weekend!
Kar @ Pause Time
I haven't heard of that series but it sounds great. Old GFC follower.
My FF Post
Aww have not heard of this series either but sounds wonderful :) New GFC follower
Hi there :) Following you back. I looked the book up on Goodreads and it sounds interesting :) It's made its way to my TBR shelf. Happy reading!
I would have to say… Message In A Bottle made me cry, such a good and moving story…
New follower , just click below to follow me back.. ((((hugs))))
Haven't heard of that one, but seeing lots of new books today! Lots of different ones that make us all cry!
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Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
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I haven't heard of this series... but they sound good!
Folling back via GFC
I haven't heard of this book either. It does look good. Old follower. Have a wonderful weekend
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