Q. ACK! Your favorite book/movie character (example Hermione Granger played by the Emma chick) just walked into the room! Who is it and what would be your first reaction? You get extra points if you include visual stimulation.

Well, it'd definitely be Voldemort played by Ralph Fiennes (I love him in pretty much every movie he's ever done). I guess in this particular case, bowing might be the best option. I don't think Lord Voldemort would take too kindly to being invited to sit on the sofa nad chat, unless it's about the best way to kill Harry Potter, and alas, I do not have that answer.

Hi there, new follower here from the hop! Love your blog! :)
I love Ralph Fiennes too, he is an amazing actor- great pick!
He Who Shall Not Be Named sounds scary. I love Harry Potter, but I've only seen the first movie. (Nobody hit me, please!)
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Happy Follow Friday! I'm a new follower - please check out my blog! Steph @ www.bethebooks.blogspot.com
you know, I never even though to look at who plays voldemort, but I never would have guessed ralph fiennes. what a surprise!
Hopping through via Parajunkee. I'm having a giveaway on my blog this weekend, so please stop by!
Holjo @ Pedantic Phooka
Hi! I'm returning your visit/follow- Ralph is excellent as Voldy. I can't wait for the last movie!
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