To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently, I'm reading Murder in the High Himalaya: Loyalty, Tragedy, and Escape from Tibet by Jonathan Green

And The Fourth Queen by Mark Miller

I just finished reading Eyes Wide Open (Gross Series #5) by Andrew Gross You can find my review here.

Next, I'll probably read Mermaid: A Twist on the Classic Tale by Carolyn Turgeon

Thanks for stopping by my blog! I have to agree that Mermaid looks really good. It is on my TBR pile as well.
Thanks for the comment on my blog - I agree the cover of The Septavalent Stone is amazing. I just realized that I had the wrong image linked so now I have the correct one and it is bigger so it looks really awesome. :^) Can't wait to get started on it.
I am a sucker for amazing covers and Mermaid really catches my eye. I will have to add it to my TBR list.
Thanks for following - I am following you back.
Murder in the High Himalaya looks and sounds really good. I'll have to find it!
Thanks for stopping by!
All of these look extremely interesting...I'll be checking out more info about them. They may be going on my (constantly expanding) to-read list!
Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting!
Cindy @ Cindy's Book Club
Mermaid looks promising. Enjoy your next read!
The Fourth Queen and Mermaid definitely have my attention!
Here is my WWW if you'd like to drop by.
Oooohhh I like the cover for Mermaid!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Mickey @ imabookshark
I'm loving the mermaid cover and the other books sound quite interesting!
Here’s my WOW!
Your blog is magical! I love the book choices!!! Mermaid definitely has my interest. I've seen it everywhere lately! I look forward to hearing your thoughts on the book!!!
I do hope you'll stop by my blog Unedited to say hello!
Wow - Murder in the High Himalaya sounds incredible. I think I'm going to order that one (once the Canadian posties catch up on their backlog of deliveries!!)
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