A reclusive programmer, Nathan Yirmorshy, pounds out ones and zeros in the quiet of his home while his landlord secretly watches behind a two-way mirror. When an intercepted note connects the landlord to a secret society, and a detective ends up dead, Nathan must abandon his home and everything familiar to him, open his heart to a tarot reader he has never met, and trust her with his life—just as the ancient scriptures have foretold.
I enjoyed reading this book, it’s one that most Dan Brown fans will really enjoy.
The main character, Nathan, a bipolar programmer, is a fresh voice. He is witty without being annoying and many of his thoughts made me laugh out loud at the nuttiness that was is his thought process. The rest of the characters are not particularly memorable, but they do keep the plot moving forward without boring the reader.
The plot is similar in pacing to the DaVinci Code, trying its best to stay moving forward, but made a bit confusing by the quick exchange of information that the characters seem to understand as soon as it’s uttered. It can be seem a bit unbelievable at times, but, unlike Brown’s overbearing book, this one keeps the mood light.
I must nitpick on one issue, though. Sophia, the main female character, is a Tarot card reader, which although an interesting twist to add, I would have liked the real meanings of the cards to have been used, not strange ones that are never used. As a Tarot reader myself, it was hard to swallow the twisted meanings of cards that are just as important to a religion as the Torah is to the Jewish community. It is a bit picky, I know, but it is what struck me. This however, probably won’t affect the majority of the audience, so it’s definitely not something that should deter anyone from reading the book.
The essays that accompany the story are fascinating and definitely something to consider when purchasing the book.
This is a fun, quick-paced story that will not disappoint.

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