Favorite secondary characters?

It seems I'm always answering questions with the Dragonlance books, but they do fit so many scenarios. Okay, well, I love characters like Tas in this series. He is a "kender", sort of a little creature that likes to "borrow" from people, although he also forgets to return the items. He has plenty of hilarious momenent. Another in this series is Flint, a dwarf with a gruff personality that really contrasts well with the other characters. (That's both of them in that picture. Tas on the left and Flint on the right)

I'm not familiar with this series, but Tas sounds like a character I would like too.
thanks for stopping by!
I don't know this series, but I'll need to check it out. Thanks for stopping by earlier.
I haven't ever heard of this series before, but if the picture is any indication of what the content of the book is, I might have to pick it up and read it. :)
I'm new around these parts. ;)
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Melissa @Spews of My Views
I highlighted you in my Follow Friday post, just thought I'd let you know! ;) Have a great weekend,
Juli @ Universe in Words
Dragonlance has lots of great characters. I like Tas and Flint a lot, too, but my favorite is Kitiara.
Never heard of this series but sounds very interesting!
Thanks for stopping by my blog!
Valerie @ Intriguing Reads
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