This week’s musing asks… Do you set goals for yourself, while reading? For example, “I want to get this book finished this weekend“, or “I will read __ pages today“, etc. Why, or why not?
Not really. Once in a while, if I have to finish a book by a particular date, I'll set myself a goal for each day so that I can finish it faster, but usually, I just read as much as I like. I find that if I force myself to read a certain amount, it gets fustrating.
Sometimes trying to finish a number of books in a certain time is frustrating. I know when im doing a tour and there are other books i want to read instead i get frustrated. Thanks for stopping by today.
Yes, I guess we all have some vague goals, to read some book by a certain day, but a certain number if pages...gosh that makes reading too much like work!
I read for entertainment, and since I'm retired I can read as many pages as I choose, although I do set myself a little goal, but don't always reach it.
I agree, plus if a book is GOOD, then you shouldnt have to force it. It should go by fast enough (or sometimes too fast!)
I don't, setting myself a deadline is almost a guarantee that I won't meet it out of sheer will to procrastinate.
I definately like taking my time and enjoying the reading process, thats why maybe I read so slow, one or 2 books a week max.
Totally agree :) Thanks for visiting!
Happy Reading :)
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