Nearly a year later, we meet Sylvie again struggling with the loss of her parents, and living in the care of her older sister, who may be to blame for what happened the previous winter.
As the story moves back and forth in time, through the years leading up to the crime and the months following, the ever inquisitive and tender-hearted Sylvie pursues the mystery, moving closer to the knowledge of what occurred that night, as she comes to terms with her family's past and uncovers secrets that have haunted them for years.
This was a very entertaining book, a great literary
read with a touch of mystery to keep readers turning the pages.
The book’s structure, I think, was cleverly done,
with chapters moving backwards and forwards in time. This gives us access to
certain events while keeping some other ones hidden, creating in this way even
more tension in the narrative. This technique also doesn’t allow us to become
too complacent with the storyline, which works very well in a novel like this
where suspense is a key element.
The main character, Sylvie, is nicely written, as is
her sister Rose. I also enjoyed how their parents were presented. Since they
are seen through Sylvie’s eyes, we don’t really know if they are accurately
represented. We start getting little clues from other characters, but they don’t
really come to life until late in the story, adding to the tension.
The writing itself is clear, with a unique voice
that I found refreshing in a suspenseful novel such as this one. The topic is
not necessarily the most groundbreaking, but the way it is handled makes all
the difference.
I do recommend this one to all lovers of literary novels that have a touch of
psychological mystery.

Great review - I'm sold!
Great review! I am reading this for a TLC Book Tour later this month, and your comments make me more excited to get into it. I do love psychological thrillers...
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