An ancient evil.
A father’s descent.
And the literary masterpiece that holds the key to his daughter’s salvation.
This novel has all the
elements that I love: horror, demons, psychological terror, and an interesting
main character. The execution of it, however, is what really keeps me from recommending
The pacing could have
been better throughout the last half of the book. It starts off well, with
enough momentum to keep us reading but without overwhelming us, either, but it
veers off into a race somewhere at the half-way mark. It is well written for
the most part, but the plot is thin. Very thin. There is no real reason why any
of it truly happens, why the protagonist goes to Venice, why he returns, or why
he goes off into an endless cross-country road trip. This weakens the plot
substantially. Most of the turning points in the story also come about my
almost random guessing on the part of the protagonist, which takes away from
the reader’s enjoyment.
The ending, too, leaves a
lot to be desired. It is wholly expected and bordering on the cliché. All of
this makes the novel a pretty strong disappointment.