I prefer "real" books, as opposed to ebooks, but may make exceptions as I see fit. If your book sounds unbelievable, then I will slurp it down whatever way I can.
I will post every review in this site as well as on Goodreads and on Midwest Review.
Time Frame
I read fast so you can expect a post within two weeks of receiving the book, which I think is a fair deal. You of course must provide me with your book. If there is a particular deadline that you'd like me to meet, I'll gladly consider it and let you know if I can meet it.
About the Reviews
My reviews tend to be between 300-500 words long. I do not guarantee you a positive review, only an honest one, so keep that in mind also. I will give it a rating and say if I recommend it or not; in other words, a standard review.
If you contact me with other information that you'd like me to put up along with the review, I'll do it happily. But I am not a mind-reader, so CONTACT me.
In accordance with new FTC guidelines regarding endorsements and testimonials for bloggers, I would like my readers to know that the books I review on my site are provided to me for free by the publisher or author of the book in exchange for an honest review. I am in no way compensated for any reviews on my site. The reviews I give are my opinion only.
I am more than willing to do author interviews. If you would like me to set one up, just ask.
Contact: valca85(at)aol(dot)com