Monday, July 4, 2011

Musing Mondays

This week’s musing (courtesy of the BookCrazy Yahoo! group) asks…

Below is a link to an NPR discussion about the simple fact that there’s no way you can read, see and experience all the things that are available to be experienced. The two methods for dealing with it are culling (i.e., cutting out certain genres that don’t interest you, etc.) or surrender (i.e., just making peace with the facts and enjoying what you can in the time that you have).

So, do you cull, or do you surrender? Or do you do both?

I definitely surrender. I try to see, read, experience everything I can, I don't limit myself. I know I'll miss lots of things, but I prefer to accept that. I'll give things a try even if they don't necessarilly interest me, because books, movies, etc. have a way of surprising you. You never know what wonderful things you'll discover.


Confuzzled Shannon said...

Exactly what I think! ;->

Debbie said...

I wish I had that attitude. Unfortunately, I do limit myself when it comes to reading. I just can't force myself to read what I'm not interested in.

Anonymous said...

I couldn't have said it better myself. New follower. :)

Jessica @

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful attitude!

Here's mine

caite said...

I think I tend more to the surrender side too.
Sure, you must cull to some degree (so many books, so little time...), but I also think you have to stay a little open to every genre.

CMash said...

I tend to stick to what I like since there are so many in that genre that I want to read and don't think I' will ever get through all of them. I like your thinking, however.