Tricia Goyer is celebrating the release of her novel, Remembering You, with a KINDLE Touch Giveaway for you ... and for the friend of your choice. Then on 11/29 she'll be wrapping up the release of Remembering You with a Book Chat Party!
During the first half of the party Tricia will be chatting, sharing a sneak peek of her next book, and giving away a ton of great stuff. Then she'll head over to her website for a Live Chat! Readers will be able to chat with Tricia via video or text.
Don't miss your chance to win a Kindle Touch for yourself ... and to "remember" a friend this holiday with a Kindle Touch for them!
Read what the reviewers are saying here.
One grand prize winner will receive:
A Brand New Kindle Touch and a Kindle Touch for a Friend (winner's choice!)
A copy of Remembering You by Tricia Goyer for each
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends at noon on November 29th. Winner will be announced at Remembering You Facebook Party on 11/29. Tricia will be hosting an author chat (on Facebook and Live from her website) and giving away copies of her other WWII books and gift certificates to Starbucks and Amazon.com. So grab your copy of Remembering You and join Tricia on the evening of the 29th for an author chat, a trivia contest (How much do you know about WWII?) and lots of giveaways.
Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 29th!
Win a Kindle Touch for YOU and a Friend from Tricia Goyer!
Tricia Goyer is celebrating the release of her novel, Remembering You, with a KINDLE Touch Giveaway for you ... and for the friend of your choice. Then on 11/29 she'll be wrapping up the release of Remembering You with a Book Chat Party!
During the first half of the party Tricia will be chatting, sharing a sneak peek of her next book, and giving away a ton of great stuff. Then she'll head over to her website for a Live Chat! Readers will be able to chat with Tricia via video or text.
Don't miss your chance to win a Kindle Touch for yourself ... and to "remember" a friend this holiday with a Kindle Touch for them!
Read what the reviewers are saying here.
One grand prize winner will receive:
- A Brand New Kindle Touch and a Kindle Touch for a Friend (winner's choice!)
- A copy of Remembering You by Tricia Goyer for each
Enter today by clicking one of the icons below. But hurry, the giveaway ends at noon on November 29th. Winner will be announced at Remembering You Facebook Party on 11/29. Tricia will be hosting an author chat (on Facebook and Live from her website) and giving away copies of her other WWII books and gift certificates to Starbucks and Amazon.com. So grab your copy of Remembering You and join Tricia on the evening of the 29th for an author chat, a trivia contest (How much do you know about WWII?) and lots of giveaways.
Don't miss a moment of the fun. RSVP today and tell your friends via FACEBOOK or TWITTER and increase your chances of winning. Hope to see you on the 15th!
There’s a nice atmosphere to this book. The European scenarios definitely add charm to the pages, but unfortunately, not enough to raise this book past the “average” threshold.
The main issue I found was that Ava, the main character, is just not likeable. She is so indecisive, so weak, that it takes a lot of effort on the reader’s part to warm to her. She is affected by every little comment anyone in her vicinity makes, sending her into existential drama that gets tiring after the first couple of times.
Her inability to make a decision between the two men she supposedly cares for is frustrating enough, but add to that her tendency to cry at the drop of a hat, and she becomes someone I, personally, did not enjoy spending too much time with. The grandfathers are handled better, but Dennis, the main love interest, is domineering and judgmental to the extreme, making him as unlikeable as Ava.
The plot is sweet, but predictable. There are a few scenes, for example when Ava speaks with a French woman who reveals to her something she needs to know, that are nicely done, with just the right amount of tension.
If the main characters had been different, this would have made for a nice, easy read, but as it is, I had trouble identifying with Ava, let alone feeling the need to root for her.

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