This week’s musing asks…
Other than for school, do you read books to learn how to do something? What was/were the topic(s)?
I learned to knit from a book. Knitting for Dummies was fabulous, and I learned how to handle all kinds of stitches, etc. I also learned to cross-stitch from one, and I'm hoping, when I can afford to buy a loom, to learn how to weave from a book too. Hmm, I wonder if there are any books on weaving.

Thanks for stopping by my blog. I admire people who can learn something like knitting from a books. I have to have in person teaching for something like that.
I don't think I could learn how to knit from a book. I learned by watching people and even that was kind of hard. I was young though, so that probably didn't help. lol
Happy Reading!
I did once came across a book on weaving at my favorite book thrift shop so I'm sure you'll find one too.:) Oh, do you plan to show a couple of your finished stitched projects in the future? Have a great week ahead. :D
How wonderful you learned how to knit from a book. My mom tried teaching me when I was younger and I haven't picked it up since. I should, though . . .
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