Q: It’s Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. so we want to know what you are Thankful for – blogging related of course! Who has helped you out along the way? What books are you thankful for reading?

Well, of course, I'm thankful for everyone who takes the time to read anything I post. Sometimes we take that as a given, but it is a great thing to have people who care what you write about.
Mainly, though, I am thankful for books. Wonderful, woncderful books! All kinds, all flavors, just thank you for existing (I guess I should also thank Guttenberg for his pinting press). From the dark beauty of Jane Eyre, to the wonder of Harry Potter, life would be horribly empty without them.

Hi darlin' :) Thanks for stopping by my FF! Hope you have a fabulous weekend! Followed you back xx
Wow I love your blog background, it is beautiful!
Hi I'm your newest follower. It has been a while since I have done this.
I am thankful for the bloggers, the authors who have asked for reviews and introduced me to new genres and also the fabulous bloggers who are always quick to offer help and always take time out to say hi or comment on reviews and posts.
Lainy http://www.alwaysreading.net
I hope your day after thanksgiving has been wonderful! I pretty much agree with everything you said. I'm most especially thankful for everyone who has supported my blog, even if I don't know them by name!
Megan at Book Brats
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm a new follower.
Have a great weekend.
Yes, without books, life would be so much bleaker...for what else can satifsy our loneliness more than those words on pages?
PS: I'm a new follower! Feel free to check out my Frivolously-Follow-Me-Friday post here. Thanks!
I'm a new follower, thanks for stopping by my blog :-)
Hello! Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm following back.
Jane Eyre and Harry Potter - definitely two characters to be thankful for.
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