To play along, just answer the following three (3) questions…
• What are you currently reading?
• What did you recently finish reading?
• What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently, I'm reading Remembering You by Tricia Goyer

And still finishing Demon Days: Angel of Light by Richard Finney and D.L. Snell

I just finished reading Across Eternity by Aris Whittier. You can find my review here.

Next, I'll probably read Delayed Flight by John Smith, for the upcoming blog tour.

Delayed Flight sounds like a title with potential. I like the blueness of the book cover art.
Best selling author Lani Diane Rich visits
Tossing It Out
Wednesday November 16th.
Have to agree with Arlee on "Delayed Flight". :)
Here's mine for the week: here.
Sounds like you have some really amazing books to read and have read in the past little while! Nice :) I really love some of those covers! Happy reading!
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