Thursday, May 3, 2012

Booking Through Thursday

Do you have siblings? Do they like to read?

I have one sister, whose name is Victoria. Yeah, Valentina and Victoria. My mom and dad had a thing for "Vs". She likes to read, but she's very, very, very picky with her books. Unlike me, who'll read anything, she has no patience with books. If it doesn't catch her attention in the first chapter or two, she chucks it away. On top of that, we like such different genres, that she never seems to enjoy anything I recommend.
That's her, of course, with one of the hawks at the one of the galas the wildlife center in which she works hosts every year.


Unknown said...

It's good that she reads, though it does suck when people have completely different reading tastes!

wcs53 said...

I'm not sure my sister would read any of my recommendations, either. Thanks for visiting my blog earlier.

Anonymous said...

You and your sister look so much alike! :) What are some of her favorite books?

Lianne said...

You and your sister both have the coolest photos! You're always looking all cool with an animal. :P

My sister hardly reads at all, and when she does, it's mostly young adult, Christian stuff. We're pretty much opposites in every way! It's weird because we were both read to a LOT when we were kids, and I've always figured that's how I became such a reader.

Ayanami Faerudo said...

Aw, too bad you have different tastes.

Thanks for stopping by. ^_^

Cathy De Los Santos said...

She's too busy playing with Hawks to read. hehe great pic, and thanks for stopping by.

Anonymous said...

Great picture! It's too bad that you have very different tastes.