Q: Summer Break is upon us! What would be the perfect vacation spot for you to catch up on your reading & relax?
Anywhere where there's the minimum of social interruptions. In a cabin somewhere in the middle of the woods where I can see the mountains. Or maybe somewhere close to the sea. My one requirement: there can't be people around.

I think I would freak myself out in a cabin out in the woods haha. Who knows what might be hiding out there!
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Reading with a mountain view sounds wonderful. I live in the mid west so I can only imagine how nice that would be.
Ashley Rose@Book in Bloom
Thanks for stopping by. I followed back. :-)
Yes, Florida has its moments. lol
Hi sweetie. Following you back. Yes A cabin in the woods with no people around sound good to me. Have a nice weekend. Thanks for ckecking out my FF. I think I would like it in the winter with snow and a nice fireplace and wine.
Thanks for hopping by :)
That sounds perfect...as long as it's peaceful I'm game!
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Vikki @ V's Book Life
That is a good pick, but not for me because I acutally live in log cabin in the woods year-round. So too much reality and not enough dreaminess! :) I'm a new follower, check me out at:
A cabin in the woods sounds like something I'd like to do in winter, but for summer, I'd go with seaside :)
Thank you for visiting!
Oh a cabin in the woods. fun!!
thanks for the follow, following you back!
OOh yeah! I agree!! Still want electricity though! ;)
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Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
An isolated cabin would be PERFECT! No one to interrupt while you got lost in a good book. Great pick!
Here's my FF!
I'm all about the cabin in the woods! So much better and quieter than the beach.
My follow friday. Please stop by!
Thanks for the follow! Following you right back! Great minds, huh? I think a cabin is the ultimate book-reading destination! Oh, the serenity!
Happy FF!
Cabin in the woods ... no people around ... Love it!
Thanks for the follow, am following you back : )
Good luck finding the right spot!
Thanks for stopping by, I'm an old follower :)
That is a great answer, I totally agree. Just nature and no people... and books. :)
New follower :)
Petra @ Hazel the Witch
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