Thursday, September 6, 2012

Booking Through Thursday

We all had to read things in school that we didn’t like … but what
about something you read for a class that you ended up liking (or
loving)? An author you discovered that you might not have found? A
genre you hadn’t thought about?

Well, I have to thank my AP English teacher my senior year, Mr. Remis, for introducing me to my favorite book in the world: Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky.
I'd read other books by Dostoevsky before reading that one, but none of them had struck me as much as Crime and Punishment did. I reread it every couple of years and find new things to love every time.


Anonymous said...

I read Crime and Punishment in my senior AP English class as well. I recall I enjoyed it when I read it.

Unknown said...

I keep a copy of Notes from Underground on CD in my car. It's Dostoyevsky in espresso form.

Stephanie said...

Here's mine:

Unknown said...

I think this may be the only time I've ever disagreed with your book choices! I could not get into Crime and Punishment, but I think I ended up with a poor translation because it was very difficult to get through. It was a really old copy I grabbed at my local used bookstore and I have never read any books by the same classics publisher, so I'm hoping that was the problem.
Thanks for stopping by!

wcs53 said...

I really enjoyed Crime and Punishment, too, but I read it a long time after I left school. My BTT:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Thanks for visiting my blog!

I can't believe I haven't read any Dostoevsky yet!