Or do you collect anything?
That's my question! Awesome.
I have a few hobbies. I love baking, and I'm part of the Daring Bakers, an online group that has baking challenges eveyr month. I also enjoy cross stitching, knitting, and sewing.
No real collections, though, apart from books.

I cannot sew or knit to save my life! I think it's a pretty cool talent to have. Sounds like an interesting club. Thanks for stopping by and great question for Musing Mondays!
Thanks for visiting. The Alaska trip was cool as in weather. Don't go in September.
That's your question? Cool. I think I could safely say my hobby is reading, and if books count that is what I collect.
Thanks for stopping by my Reading Corner today.
Your baking group sounds like a lot of fun! If it's a public group, could you post a link?
I crochet and knit. I bake and play video games.. my favorite game is the sims. I love my simmies right now my sim family has great grandchildren. my sim, whos the martiarch, is deceased and my oldest daughter just died. so my twins who are now elders have children and grandchildren. its very exciting! with the new expansion pack, supernatural, i have a grandson who is a werewolf, my granddaughter just married a vampire and he turned her..so she is becoming a vampire..shes not pregnant yet but im sure they are working on it. love the sims! i also enjoy movies. windown shopping and long walks on the beach!
This was a great question you thought of! I've really been enjoying hearing about what everyone is interested in.
I am also part of an email/online cooking club! Its so fun. :-)
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