I would have to say The Windup Bird Chronicle by Haruki Murakami. I've read other of his books and have relatively enjoyed them, but this one was one that had me rolling my eyes at eveyr page. For me, it was too self-indulgent, the words written just to show off how wonderful the writer was. The plot was so thin, it got completely diluted in all the side nonsense. As you can see, this is one I'd really not recommend, although I know lots of people really loved it.

Good to know! Now I can avoid it...lol
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self indulgent...a very, very bad thing for an author. well, actually, for the reader.
Ive definitely read books where i think the author is just trying to show off his or her writing skills. It makes for a lot of eye rolling, for sure! Thanks for stopping by!
Moby Dick. Hated it. Long winded, tedious descriptions of uninteresting things, boring characters, overdone theme. I know it's heresy, but that's my opinion and I'm sticking to it.
Self-indulgent writing bores me. I also get bummed when lots of people like a book and I don't like it.
I've never heard of this one, but it sounds like I'm not missing out!
I have never heard of this book. I sometimes judge a book by it's cover so I probably wouldn't have picked this up anyway. Sounds like I wouldn't have been missing out on anything.
I am actually reading this right now.. I've taken a break to get to a couple other tasks but one thing I love about Murakami is that I can take a break and jump in right where I left off. It's a shame you didn't like it ( I love his others) I'll have to see how I react to it. I totally buy into Murakami's self indulgent wonderful writing and side nonsense lol. Have you read A Wild Sheep Chase? This may be one we will have to discuss later. :D
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