Confess your blogger sins! Is there anything as a newbie blogger that you’ve done, that as you gained more experience you were like — oops?
Probably taking in too many review books. As much as I love to read and help out new, indie authors, it can be a little overwhelming. I like to think I've learned my lesson, but it's still very hard to turn requests down.
Oh, I am in that boat right now. I also teach high school so between actually teaching and grading papers I'm finding I've bitten off more than I can chew!!
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Jessica@Lovin' Los Libros
Hey - here's one indie author that wants to thank you for it!
Martin Ott
I do this as well. I have 38 books to read. Luckily, half don't come out until May or later, but the others are already out or are coming out SOON. YIKES!
New follower!
Tiffany @ A_TiffyFit's Reading Corner FF Post
New follower through the blog hop :) Totally agree it can be so tempting to accept every review request at first! Just too many books out there to get to read them all!
The Fiction Conniption's FF
I feel the same way!
Old follower!
I used to have the same problem too. I think it's pretty common for new bloggers.
Old follower!
Thanks for stopping by
Thanks for stopping by my blog. :D
I definitely had this problem and still struggle to say no!
Good luck with your review pile. Mine is still about 30 books high!!!
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