Do you multi-task when you read? Do other things like stirring things on the stove, brushing your teeth, watching television, knitting, walking, et cetera?
Or is it just me, and you sit and do nothing but focus on what you’re reading?
(Or, if you do both, why, when, and which do you prefer?)
What I mostly do while I'm reading is babysit, or should I say snakesit, one of my reptilian lovelies or another. Sometimes, if they feel lazy they crawl onto my lap and sleep, but some other times, when they are in their "curious" mode, I barely get a page read before I have to go chase after them. Snakes, if you didn't know, are extremely quick.
The python in the picture is my beautiful male, Damascus. I think he's attempting to read The Woman in White.
Oh, the chasing around is similar with my cat:) Wow, you have snakes! Damascus looks beautiful in the picture, even though I'm not a snake person.
Babysitting is ok!
I can't do anything except listen to music when I am reading! I gotta turn to Audio books! Only way to keep up with reading!
Here is my BTT: Multi-Tasking post!
Mostly, I like a quiet place to read.
Ooooh snakes! So cute. My dogs can be very distracting when I am trying to read. They love to bark at anything and everything.
Our cat (we miss him) got really jealous with books and computers. Several of our books have tears in the pages after him getting too annoyed with all the attention they were getting. I used to be really good a petting him and reading at the same time, that's multitasking too. http://mostraum.wordpress.com/2011/03/10/booking-through-thursday-multitasking/
I'm a lover of all things reptilian, so quite jealous of your snakes. I used to read with my dearly departed lizard.
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