This week’s musing asks…
Who do you think is the hottest male/female character from a book?
Hmm. I think somewhere in this blog's caverns I wrote about my obsession with Sherlock Holmes. No, he is not the quintessential "hot" guy, no good looks to flaunt, not cool magical powers, but his intelligence more than makes up for all of that. I love smart men, fictional or otherwise, and Mr. Holmes is the perfect specimen in that regard.
IN my opinion he is not, however, Robert Downey Jr., which makes me wonder what Hollywood directors were smoking when they thought up that monstrosity of a movie.
Who do you think is "hot"?
That IS a good choice! Have you seen the BBC miniseries called Sherlock? It is excellent and the actor who plays Sherlock is rather good looking in an unconventional way :)
Ooh interesting choice. I've never actually read the Holmes books, but I agree with your description of what equates with sexy.
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Very interesting choice. I can definitely see his appeal.
Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I think Sherlock smacks of "hotness" and I agree with the whole Downey/Sherlock/movie fiasco. Terrible, terrible.
Very unique choice! And I agree his intelligence makes him the perfect specimen :)
Good choice. I didn't think of Holmes, but I do like the actor in the new BBC version.
Great choice! I think he portrays Holmes VERY well!
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