Friday, January 6, 2012

Follow Friday

Q: Go count the number of unread books sitting on your shelf. How many?

Wow, okay, 202.


Anonymous said...

202! Wow. That's...a lot of books. Good luck with them! :D

Renae @ Respiring Thoughts

Unknown said...

Holy crap! That is a lot left to read! Thanks for stopping by my blog...I'm following you! :-)

Jessica (Peace Love Books) said...

Whoa, 202?? That's so much! Good luck reading them all! Happy Friday!

Here's my FF!

Alex said...

As Jessica said above, Holy Crap! That would be enough reading for me for four years judging by last year's book count! Good'll need it!

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Wow! That's a lot! I didn't break a 100. Kinda makes me a little happy, yet I still feel way behind on reading!

Here's my Friday Hops

Have a GREAT weekend!

Old Follower :)

Mrs. Papillion...aka "The Book Worm" said...

That is a lot of books. I have about 180 and that's just guessing because I can't go wake my husband up to count up books on my bookshelves. LOL

New Follower.

My response:

Pooja. S said...

WOWW. Good luck, haha! Thanks for stopping by! I'm following you back! Have a GREAT weekend!

Priscilla TheGreat said...

202 is definitely the highest I've seen today. Congratulations. You win!

- Old follower

hbjgvhuogyihpo said...

WHOA! That's a ton of books.
New follower, thanks for following me.

Alison Can Read said...

Hopping through. I'm surprised at how common having 200 unread books is. Makes me want to by more to get up to that number.
My Hop

Lianne said...

lol, I have 650. Hence why almost all the challenges I'm participating in in 2012 are aimed at decreasing that pile!