This week’s musing asks…
Would you choose to review a book if its description sounded interesting but the cover was terrible?
I don't really pay attention to book covers. Since I review a lot of indie books I've learned not to put too much weight into the book's design. I know that self-published authors don't necessarily have the means to hire a professional to do their books' artwork, and it would not be fair to refuse to review their novels on that.
I'm with you, it's the blurb and a snippet of the writing that will hook me. It's pretty easy to ignore a bad cover on an ebook too which helps ;)
Good for you for reviewing indie books!
I review indie books and I may take that into consideration but there are a lot of ways just as their our at finding editors as there are at finding artists. Here is mine I do not think I did take it all into conieration but I had an evil librarian PTSD related panic attack while reading. no seriously! http://cabingoddess.com/2012/03/musing-mondays-march-19
I agree. It is what is inside that counts. Thanks for dropping by.
I don't review books, so I guess I am a bit of a cover snob.
Since I got my Nook and Kindle I read the synopsis of the book, sometimes I don't even know what the cover looks like.
the blurb matters more than the cover but might it keep me from picking it up in the first place..yep.
Totally agree, it can be really hard for indie authors to get a good cover.
Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog post.
Great answer.. I enjoy a pretty cover, but definitely wouldn't turn down a book because it didn't have one..
Thanks for stoppin' by :)
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