We always talk about books that WE want. Let’s turn it on its head. What books have you given other people lately?
One that sticks in my mind is The Family Fang by Kevin Wilson. I gave it to my sister for the December holidays, mainly because she is a picky reader, someone who likes the quirkier books and this one seemed right up her alley. She hasn't read it yet, and I haven't either, so I don't know if it was a good choice, but it seemed right at the time.
Hi Valentina, thanks for stopping by my new blog. Returning the favor! Sometimes the best ones are the ones we take a chance on without knowing how they'll turn out!
How have I not heard about the Family fang? :) Super cute!
What book have you given away @ The Brunette Librarian
That looks like a really cute book! :) I hope she enjoys it! :)
Kyra @ Blog of a Bookaholic
I haven't heard of The Family Fang, but I think it's cute. Judging from the cover though.
New GFC Follower
My FF @ The Creative Forum
Happy Reading :)
I have to agree with the cuteness!
Nice! Haven't heard of that one! I usually only do book giving at Xmas too. My family has to tell me what books they want since our tastes differ vastly! My niece is easy since she's 4!
My best friend I have more fun shopping for since she likes the same books I do now--finally! She's years behind me so I have lots to choose from!
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Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
That cover really does look interesting, I wonder what the book is about.
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What a lovey blog you have... :)
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