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From Doctor Sleep by Stephen King
"It was warm-in Florida it almost always was- but he did not like that sound, and supposed he never would. It reminded him of the Overlook, where the defective boiler had been the very least of the dangers."
pg. 4
man, I give you props for reading SK book. Im too chicken to read them, lol
Thanks for stopping by my TT today.
I've never read Stephen King. I've only seen a couple of his movies, and they freaked me out, so I imagine his books would be tenfold. Nice teaser, though!
Thanks for stopping by Book Sojourner!
Oooh is that a new one of his?
Yep, this one is on my radar! :-)
My hubby can't wait to read this one! Nice teaser :)
Come see my Teaser from Stolen Lives by Jassy Mackenzie
- Kimberly @ Turning the Page
+New GFC follower :)
I wonder how scary the book gets after this short tease!
This book is everywhere at the moment and I cannot wait to read it! Thanks for sharing :) Here is my teaser from Clockwork Princess if you want to check it out:
Chanzie @ Mean Who You Are
Ooh nice! I bought this for my mom to save for Christmas! Hope you enjoy it too!
Here's my Tuesday Post
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
I am sooo not a Stephen King fan, but hope you are enjoying it. My teaser: Saint’s Gate
That line's so intriguing. Makes me wanna read this book. I've never read any of Stephen King's book though a lot of people around me are doing so.
Great teaser! I'm really looking forward to this book, but I haven't read The Shining Yet (I've seen the movie and the series...but I'm totally a chicken about the book). Hope you're enjoying it :)
So many are reading this book right now (but me).
I'm a sucker for Stephen King! I used to borrow his books from the library when I was studying. I haven't read this one though. Would you recommend it? Thanks!
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