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Q. It's circle time. Time for us to open up and share. Can you tell us FIVE quirky habits or things about you? We all have them...
Okay, this is actually not as easy as it sounds...
1. I don't like any type of pizza except pizza biancha, and even then, it's not my favorite thing.
2. I am obsessed with snakes and have seven of my own. I even take one of them "walking" around the backyard.
3. I have never been to a club.
4. A few generations ago, my family used to own a castle in Italy.
5. I make sure I can run in all my shoes, high heels inluded. If I can't, then I don't buy them.

I think it's a smart thing to be able to run no matter the shoes. A girl just never knows...
Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! Have a great weekend.
I love the last one! Haha, I can't walk in heels at all. I need to work on that I guess. Wow, snakes? I don't know how you can tolerate them. I get too nervous around anything with sharp teeth.
Hope you have a safe weekend. Happy reading. :]
new follower! That is a really good idea with your shoes. It would be really helpful to be able to run in all your shoes cause you never know when you'll have to run! Come read about my quirks:
Crystal @ Elegantly Bound Books
This is a fun question. I’m learning so much about everybody and I don’t think most of us are as quirky as we think we are.
My quirks seem normal enough. As I wrote them I woke up to the fact a lot of my quirks create inner conflicts. I’ve got a lot to think about!
Follow me Back to my blog and see what quirks I’ve got – http://www.howardsherman.net
Howard A. Sherman
Hopping through. I've never been to a club either. I hate dancing, loud music, and really crowded places (other than the mall), so I doubt I'd like clubbing.
My Hop
I'd love to hear the story behind the castle in Italy! Maybe you guys will own it again someday?
(and yes, if our pets weren't mortal enemies we could arrange a play date sometime. We could call them Bald-Bashes...awesome :)
I'm now following ya back!
7 snakes o_O *shudders*
Your blog ALWAYS makes me smile! its so beautiful!
- Kylie
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