This week’s musing asks…
Do you care if the book’s storyline is unrealistic? Will you keep reading, or will you set the book aside?
I guess it depends. If I'm reading certain authors, for example Garcia Marquez, then I know I have to expect strange, unrealistic things happening in the story line because it's magical realism. However, when I am reading a literary fiction or even a thriller, I can't stand when a character does something so wacky it makes no sense just to move the plot along. That, to me is lazt writing. I probably won't put the book down because I don't like to leave books unread, but I won't be very nice when I review it.

I hate to leave a book unread...I think it hurts the books feelings...;0)
I also struggle with not finishing a book, but sometimes I'm in too much pain to go on. :(
I have to finish a book as well, I hate to put a book aside, that's usually why I try to read in my genre. But, sometimes it's too painful to keep reading. :(
Nonsense characters are the worst!!
Here's my answer: http://readingromances.wordpress.com/2011/05/02/mondays-events-ii/
It does depend!nI don't have a problem with some aspects of the story being 'unrealistic', depending on the genre.
However, I think, whatever the genre, it is important that people act in a way that seems real. Maybe human nature is the constant.
Oh, I want to write on that topic really bad right now. Alas, I have to get on work in a few minutes. But I totally agree with you, though I have trouble writing a 'mean' review, but I will be honest. =)
Great answer. Like you, I hate to leave my books unfinished, even if I don't like them much.
Cute blog, following back ;-)
(Are you italian or it's just your name?)
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