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Q. The Blogger Apocalypse made me a little emotional. What is the most emotional scene in a book that you have read lately?

Well, the majority of Shattered Wings by Bryan Healey had me on the verge of crying, pretty much fifty pages in, so it was a very difficult read. It deals with an alcoholic who begins a downward spiral when he loses his job, so it's not for the faint-hearted. Here is my review, if you are interested.
Shattered Wings sounds really good! Thanks for stopping by my blog. :)
New follower.
Hopping through. I haven't read Shattered Souls. I'll have to look into it more.
My Hop
Wow, I hadn't heard about this book until now. Sounds like a real tear-jerker! I'll definitely have to check it out. Thanks for stopping by my blog and I'm following you now too!
I found you through Follow Friday and I just have to say that I love your background.
Following you now!
Oooh Shattered Wings looks intense. It often seems to be the more realistic downfalls that traumatize the most. Would definitely have to read this in the sunny afternoon. Thanks for the heads up.
-Alisha @ MNtR
(My FF & Blogger Hop situation ^_^)
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