This week’s musing asks…
How do you decide to read a book by an author you haven’t read before? What sort of recommendations count most highly in making that decision?
I'm pretty easy to convince to read a new author. If the book looks interesting, I'm game, even if the reviews have been less than stellar. I'm always willing to give a new author a chance to fascinate me, and, more often than not, I find another writer to admire.
Recommendations are tricky things. We all have such different tastes that it is hard to really know if you'll like a book based on what your friend, or even a relative, said. For me, it's about trying something new whenever I get a chance.
I'm all for trying new genres. I also make most of my reading decisions based on the synopsis and my own judgment. I have a friend who goes almost completely off recommendations and never reads synopses. Weird to me but, hey, we're all different.
I agree about recommendations. Sometimes a book everyone loves just do not speak to me.
This is interesting, especially becuase I've heard a lot of people (more on the writer/publisher end) say that word of mouth is the number one factor in selling a book.
I agree that recs can be tricky. I have trouble giving them also because of such varied tastes. Great answer!
Happy reading
Great answer! I'm usually the same way, I'll give reading a new author a shot even without a recommendation. :)
I agree ... tastes are all over the place! Sometimes you just have to trust your own judgement. And, something that other people may have thought was terrible may turn out to be good!
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