This week’s musing asks…
Do you listen to audiobooks? If not, why not? And, if so, what has been one of your favorites, so far?
No. I can't concentrate with audibooks. My mind starts to wander and I end up thinking about what a nice voice (or ugle voice) the narator has, or what a peculiar accent, anything other than the book itself. Nothing beats reading the book myself.
I have a heard time with it too Unless Im doing something with my hands that doesnt take concentration, driving, dishes, laundry etc.
Thanks for the follow. Following back :)
I do sometimes listen to audio books. I especially like listening to memoirs. One I really enjoyed listening to was Julie Andrews memoir "Home." It was like she was right there with me relating her life stories to me. However, you are probably to young to know who Ms. Andrews is anyway. ; )
Soemtimes they can be hard to concentrate on, especially when you are doing other things! Here's mine: http://whatsontheshelf.wordpress.com/2012/04/30/musing-mondays-7/
Thanks for visiting. I think no to listening is winning over yes like to listen.
This Musing has inspired me to give audiobooks another try. I am like you--usually I zone out and listen to the voice instead of the words.
lol..I have the same experience. I start thinking about their accent, or how they say a certain word and then I realize I missed a big hunk of the book.
I find that it is best to listen to audiobooks while the body is occupied. Like while walking or riding on the bus. I can't listen to them while I am in my house. To much distraction and my mind wonders.
I get that sometimes, I just start listening about the reader's voice, not the story! Especially when there's woman trying to make manly voices :DD
Thanks for sharing, and thanks for stopping by!
Monaliz @ Mind Reading?
My thoughts exactly!
Thanks for stopping by my blog :)
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