This week’s musing asks…
Do you belong to any book clubs — face-to-face, or online? If so, how long have you been with the group(s)? If not, why?
No. I've tried a few times, but I always find myself disappointed in the way book clubs are handled. I prefer to read what I choose when I choose. For me a book club feels too much like school.
I can definitely understand that. It's hard to find a good book club. That's why I started my own with friends, but even that is difficult because people don't want to talk about the book much. And finding a book that everyone wants to read is hard, too.
That seems to be the consensus. Lots of people have been answering that it's too much like school. I agree, but yet I"m still in two book clubs on goodreads. I'm a teacher and I am one of those freaks that happens to love school so I seem to be the exception who like book clubs lol My Musing Mondays Post
My friends and I created a sort of book club last year. It was only three of us and then one dropped out by the second month because she claimed to have no time. So now it's just two of us, its very informal though before we were very good at sticking to a certain amount of chapters per week and meeting up to discuss but now we just read the book at whatever pace we want within the month and talk about at the end of the month. xD
so many books, so little time..not sure I want to spend my free time at a book club where others pick the book, when I could be reading what I want to read.
Haha, that is funny because it being a little like school is why I like it. I always learn something and am forced to try something new (which lately have been dusty books in my TBR shelf, so they just cause me to get there sooner). Fun musing. :)
It's too bad you've had bad experiences with book groups. We are a really flexible group. And after talking about "the" book, we always talk about all the other books we've read.
I think I feel the same as you, especially, about feeling like school. I am doing three book tours and I kind of feel the same way about them as well, like I'm in school and have to read a certain book, by a certain date, and then write a book review about the book. I have decided book tours are not for me also.
Thanks for the visit today.
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