This week’s Booking Through Thursday question asks…
With the advent (and growing popularity) of eBooks, I’m seeing more and more articles about how much “better” they can be, because they have the option to be interactive … videos, music, glossaries … all sorts of little extra goodies to help “enhance” your reading experience, rather like listening to the Director’s commentary on a DVD of your favorite movie.
How do you feel about that possibility? Does it excite you in a cutting-edge kind of way? Or does it chill you to the bone because that’s not what reading is ABOUT?
Oh, I am scared, alright. I am appalled by the craziness of ebooks. I know that for self-published authors they are a huge step forward, allowing them to share their books with the world without having a publishing company in the way, which is great because we get to read many stories that wouldn't be seen, but manufacturing things to enhance the reading experience? No way. Don't get it and never will. Reading is more than interactive features, and it concerns me that in this day and age of short attention spans, we are attempting to make them even shorter.
How about you?
Absolutely agree! Especially the part about short attention spans....
I much prefer paper books and will continue to buy them even though I do own a Kindle. One of the plus points of the Kindle is that it's simple. I don't want it to do anything fancy, just enable to read books easily that have been provided to me in electronic form. If I love a book I've read in ebook form and I like the cover design, I'll go buy a copy for keeps. I'm all for gorgeous covers and they're just not the same on a screen.
I agree with you also. And about the attention span, I double agree. The kids now a days miss out on so much, because of their short attention span.
Thanks for your visit today. ; )
I agree completely! Hadn't thought about the self-publishing aspect though. That's an interesting point.
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