An original fairy tale about a patchwork girl and a boy who cried wolf...and became one.
The witch who made the patchwork girl died before she could give her creation a name. Stitched together from the remains of the villagers’ dead children—whose memories still live in her flesh—and held together by a ring made of moonbeams, the patchwork girl is a spell as yet unfinished. She can never be what her parents wanted her to be: a replacement for the children they’ve lost. So when the poppet grows up, and grows tired of being a disappointment, she decides to embark upon a journey through the Everwood Forest in search of her real name.
In the forest she meets Faolin, a newly made wereman (a man trapped as a wolf except during the full moon) running from the beasts who killed his father, and stole his throne as Wolf King. He joins the patchwork girl on her journey, and she promises to assist him in his own quest to become human again and return to his fiancée. Together, they face the dangers of the forest, forming an unlikely bond as their paths wind together: Faolin running from his destiny—the patchwork girl in search of her own—both of them bound by moonlight.
But Faolin, afraid of the beast he has become, has known all along what he must do in order to lift the curse and return to his fiancée-in fact, it is the very reason he sought out the patchwork girl to begin with. But now, since he's come to care for the girl unlike any other he's known, it's the very reason why he must leave her: to protect her from himself.
A retelling of the patchwork girl fairytale, this book captivated me. From the very first few lines, the atmosphere rolled out under me like a lush carpet, fantastical creatures and places invading the reader’s mind.
The setting is perfect a perfect fairytale one, a small village that could really be anywhere, surrounded by dark, terrifying woods full of wolves. It creates a sense of isolation that works wonderfully with the story, immersing us head first in the novel.
I loved the main characters, the patchwork girl, and Faolin, the wereman. Faolin was sweet and shy, with just enough courage to move the story along and to please the readers, while the patchwork girl was all strength and fearlessness, making us cheer for her as she resolves one situation after another. Both characters work really well together, and we can’t stop ourselves from hoping for a happy ending.
There are a myriad of other amusing characters, maybe ones we know, but with slight twists, like Father Time, who is not quite as benign as we have always thought him to be. Witches, mermaids, wolves, fairies, they all make an appearance as Faolin and the patchwork girl weave their way through the forest.
This book was a sweet break from reality, which is exactly what fairytales are supposed to do, and I can honestly recommend it to everyone, from children to adults. Come and dip yourself in this story of love, loyalty and hope.
1 comment:
Great review! I've never heard of this one...definitely adding it to my TBR list :)
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