This week’s musing asks…
Where is your favorite place to read?
I have a couple of places. One, would be my room, I just love the tranquility of lying in bed with a good book. The other spot, is sitting at the kitchen table. I don't know how I got into the habit of doing that, but I love sitting there, especially when my mom is cooking. There's something very relaxing about sitting at that table.
I can understand reading at the kitchen table. It must be a warm, cozy, aromatic and feelings of protectiveness atmosphere. Thank you for stopping by.
I remember doing my homework at the kitchen table as a kid :) ah, memories!
I can't read in bed, at least not long. I just fall asleep.
For me it has to be my oh-so-comfy recliner.
I've just started reading at the kitchen table and love it. The sun pours in during the day and it's like a little secret reading room. The only problem is it's too close to the fridge and pantry!!!
I use to set at he kitchen table to do my homework, many moons ago. If I am cooking and need to hear the timers beep, I read at the kitchen table. But, mostly in my reading corners.
Thanks for visiting my reading corner today.
That's really a special moment (or moments) sitting at the table while your mom's cooking. That's something you'll remember forever.
I haven't read at the kitchen table in a long time. Don't know why I stopped.
Here's My MM
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