Have you ever read a book that, at the time, you didn’t feel a strong connection towards, but as time goes by you find yourself thinking about it a lot?
I really had to think about this one, as nothing popped immediately into my head. I would probable have to say Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel García Márquez. I read it in the original Spanish and really didn't enjoy it. The writing felt bloated and dull, but now, after reading a few of his ither books, I find myself thinking more and more about that first one I read. One particular image stuck to my head: one of the characters gets injured in the somach and his intestines are coming out. He cradles them in his hands and th author describes them as roses. Really striking.
I've tried reading Gabriel Garcia Marquez' works but I found myself just dropping the readings. I even tried reading it in Spanish thinking that it will be better, pero no...
Cien anos de soledad is still in my pile for the past 10 years :/
I just can't get into Marquez's books. It would take me 100 years of solitude to get through that book!
That sounds lovely! ;)
You can read spanish!!..that's brilliant..I always find it weird imagining a book that I've read in a different language..is there any difference?
My Musing Monday here
I haven't heard of that book but it sounds interesting.
I think maybe even in a less that you less than love, one aspect can stand out and stick in your mind..a great setting or a great character or some part of the plot.
I liked Marquez's Chronicle of a Death Foretold, though it wasn't the first book I had read by him. His writing style does take some getting used to.
I don't feel like writing my own post so I'll just say my answer to that question would be The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. I was never that deeply into it while I read it, but afterward I thought about it a lot, and I watched the movie with Viggo Mortensen and really enjoyed it. I might reread it someday.
Great post!
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God that's a strong image! Anything graphic makes me feel queasy!
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