Do you keep a list of the books you’ve read? How? In a journal? Through one of the online services? If so, WHY? To keep good records for future reference? To make sure you don’t accidentally reread? If not, why not? Too eager to move on to the next book? Too lazy? Never thought to bother?
I keep track of what I've read both through this blog, since I do a review on every book I read, and through Goodreads. I particularly like Goodreads because I can scan my book lists for the books I've most liked or hated or whatever. I like having that information easily available to me instead of trying to remember "what was that really good book I read last year...?"
I'm impressed with bloggers who manage to review every book. I'm so often off to the next book so quickly I loose track of reviewing.
Goodreads certainly makes my life more organized. I was just at the bookstore and couldn't figure out if I owned a particular book or just saw it before and liked it, but i was able to navigate my goodreads lists and figured out I wanted to read it, but didn't own it yet.
Thanks for stopping by!
I use Goodreads also, along with my blog and notebook that I jot down the books I've read.
Thanks for the visit today.
It's good to have a way of tracking your reads.
I use Goodreads too and so far I like it the best. I forgot about the scan feature but I'm sure it's convenient if you own a lot of books. Sometimes if I see a book I want to read but I'm not ready to buy yet, I scan it and put it in Goodreads so I don't forget about it!
I started the blog to keep track and then discovered Goodreads which also lets me track the books I want to read. I love it. I can't imagine what I'd do without it.2 Kids and Tired Books BTT
Goodreads is my favorite choice. It's easy to use, you can sort them in various ways - including creating shelves to sort by genre or age or what-have-you.
Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life
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