This week’s musing, courtesy of Booking Through Thursday, asks…
How do you organize/store your books? Do you go through them often? Or do you pretty much just shelve them and then leave them alone until you need them?
I pretty much stack them wherever I find room and leave them be. I do have a "Read" pile, so once I'm done with one I move it there. A bit of a literary afterlife, let's say.
That's basically my own system, except only certain books fit in certain places anymore. Thanks for stopping by!
I'm a nerd. I have them organized alphabetically by author (to be fair, I am a librarian... lol) and by genre (non-fiction vs fiction). I tried to have a 'to read' pile once. It was too big. ;)
Brandy @ A Little of the Book Life
Yeah who needs to organize stuff, yup, not me! lol, thanks for stopping by today!
piles..yes that is my 'system' too!
It's funny that my e-books are shelved and organized. My physical books--not so much!
I also have stacks of books ... Usually toppling over ...http://daystarz.wordpress.com/2012/12/03/musing-mondays-dec-3/
It's pretty much like that here for the moment...in stacks scattered about, in drawers, in boxes!
Thanks for stopping by my musings post earlier!
Wendy @ Wendy's Musings
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