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From Under the Dome by Stephen King
"If he sensed his father knew what he, Junior, had done- he didn't see how that was possible, but his father knew so much- then Junior would kill him. After that he would turn the gun on himself."
pg. 138
Wow. Intense teaser. My hubby started reading this book but I don't think he finished it, it was just SO much! Hopefully he'll get back to it and hopefully you'll enjoy! Thanks for stopping by Alli's World at mrscaptkirk51.blogspot.com.
You know, would you believe I don't think I've ever read a Stephen King novel? I've certainly seen the movies. I read his book on writing. I am not as negative on adverbs as he is. I should read one of his novels one of these days for cultural literacy.
That's kinda creepy, but totally Stephen King!
Here's my Teaser
Have a GREAT day!
Old Follower :)
Now that is a teaser.
Here is mine!
Such an appropriate Stephen King teaser! Thanks for stopping by my blog!
I sooooo want to read this one.
For some reason, reading Stephen King has never been a strong impulse for me -- I think I've read two of his.
Mine is from The Hobbit.
I can't read Stephen King. Thanks for the teaser, though.
My teaser is from LIVE BY NIGHT by Dennis Lehane.
My Teaser is below. Hope you had a good Tuesday.
Silver’s Reviews
Ooh, great teaser! :D I've not actually read anything by Stephen King, but I might just go have a look at his books. ^.^
Thanks for sharing. (: Also, thanks for stopping by my blog - I appreciate it! :3
Tiffa @ The British Book Nerd
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