When you’re stuck for a book to read next, what do you do?
I rarely get stuck when choosing what to read next. I just have so many books waiting for my attentio that I can just point at my pile and grab one I want to read. Sometimes, though, if I have a three or four that are asking for my attention, I bring in my secret choosing weapon: Barbossa my boa. I put the books on the floor and which ever one he slithers around, that's the one I read. Pretty scientific, isn't it?
There he is, choosing The Innocents by Francesca Segal

Wow! I don't think many people use their snakes to give them their next read.
Too funny! and very unique!
Thanks for stopping by :)
oh my...I would never read again!!
That has to be the most unique way of choosing I book I have ever come across. Love it!
First off!!!! I would freak out if a snake was loose in my apartment....But, to each his own, if it works why fix it?
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I love your background.
You know most people would have a cat or a dog, but why do you have a snake? Aren't you scared of it? I know it sounds like a stupid question but it looks so scary >.< (Great method, though).
Very unique way to choose. Thanks for visiting..
Best. Book selection method. Ever. :D Barbossa's so pretty!
Personally I have to keep a list of books by pub dates so the reviews are published soon before or after for the ones that I am sent to review.
If I have a break, then I just read what sounds the best.
IceyBooks has a new feature where readers can vote for what you read next and I have also done that a couple of times.
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog
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