Q: What book would you love to see made into a movie or television show and do you have actors/actresses in mind to play the main characters?
I'm not too sure I would want to have one of my favorite books made into a movie or tv show, since they tend to ruin everything, but if I had to absolutely choose, I'd like to see Lisey's Story by Stephen King made into a movie. It's one that I think would do well on screen. As for actors, hmm, maybe Laura Linney as Lisey, or Julianne Moore, and for Scott, her husband, well, my knee-jerk reaction is to say Ralph Fiennes because if I could, I would put him in every movie ever made, but he's a bit too "English" for Scott. Maybe Johnny Depp or someone like that.

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Lisey's Story, eh? Interesting choice, but the ending would have to be done very carefully.
I agree with the story being ruined when made into a movie.
Havent read the book but its cool to see someone go for a Stephen King book. I love Ralph Fiennes, he is a superb actor, and Im not reffering to HP, Im talking about all the other movies he has been in too.
I am almost always disappointed by books to movies, although I always seem to watch them anyways.
Old follower :)
Great post!!
Thanks for stopping by and happy reading :)
Nice choice! Thanks for stopping by our blog. I just followed you back via GFC!
Have a great weekend!
I must confess I have never read a Stephen King novel. 0_0
Thanks for stopping by!
Jennifer @ The Bawdy Book Blog
Hopping through. I haven't read Lisey's Story - or anything by King. I should some time.
I've never read Stephen King before, but I think I've heard some good things about it. I should check it out!
Thanks for following me, by the way, I'm actually an old follower, though. ;)
My Follow Friday
Beautiful blog! Thanks for the follow and following in return!!
I'd love to see Asimov's robot novels made into a movie, starting with Caves of Steel. Hopefully by Peter Jackson or someone who respects the material the way Jackson did LotR.
I haven't read that book, but any Stephen King book makes a great movie! Thanks for stopping by, following you back!
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