Q: What is the longest book you’ve read? What are your favorite 600+ page reads?
The longest I've read has probably been Les Miserables by Victor Hugo (unabridged). It is around 1,500 pages.
I recommend that one, of course, but also many of Stephen King's novels which are well over 600 pages. Also, The Brothers Karamazov by Dostoevsky; The Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett ; The Count of Monte Cristo (one of my favorites) by Dumas. There are lots of other.

Pillars of the Earth has been sitting on my bookshelf for over 2 years now. I really need to get to it soon. It looks so good but so long!
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Ah, completely forgot about how long Les Mis was! It was worth every word, though. I love that story. =)
Oh wow! That one was long!! Yay for the Count of Monte Cristo!!! That is one of my fave classics and I rarely like classics!
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Have a GREAT weekend!
Old Follower :)
Holy cow, 1500 pages???? That's so long! I'm impressed you read it all because I know I wouldn't have been able to! Have a great Friday :)
Here's my FF!
That was is on my list!! Awesome that you've completed it. Here's my Follow Friday
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I really do need to read Le Miserables someday don't I? I hate that once your out of school the mental energy to read the classics (at least for me) seems to disappear.
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I've seen the movie version of Pillars of the Earth and I loved it. Would love to own the book someday. Thanks for stopping by my blog!
New follower :)
All of your recommendations are on my TBR list =)
So far I think I am enjoying 1Q84. I still don't quite know what is going on completely, but I like the story and character development.
Thanks for stoppin' by. Following back.
Jennifer @ A Librarian's Library
Hopping through. What did you think of the Brothers Karamazov? I've never tried Dostoevsky.
My Hop
Wow you've read a lot of long books! I never seem to get around to it- they intimidate me! Thanks for following my blog of Follow Friday- I love your blog and you will definitely be hearing from me again! x
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I forgot about Les Mis when I answered this question. I was forced to read it by my school when I was too young and my French not yet good enough to really appreciate it. Some day I'll read it again with the better perspective time has given me! :)
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