Thursday, March 22, 2012

Booking Through Thursday

Ever read a book you thought you could have written better yourself?

Oh, this is a hard question. Most of the time when I feel the book is not written as well as it should, I don't really wish I could write it over myself. I kind of want to put it away and never think about it again. It's never a book that I feel that strongly about.


Unknown said...

I know what you mean. Most books that I think are terrible are definitely ones I'd rather just not think about. Or they have so many issues, I don't know that it would be fixed at all by anyone.

Beth said...

I usually wonder how bad I must suck if this is published and I'm not.

Gigi Ann said...

I would never try to rewrite a book. Sometimes I do wonder where was the editor of that book.

Eva @View from the Hillside said...

That's a very good answer.

Kate said...

For me it is books I feel strongly about that I'd rewrite if I could - but not strongly in a good way. More strongly in a VERY NEGATIVE WAY towards the books/characters that I'm reading. That's why I want to rewrite them. Because I'm so passionately against whatever they're doing.

But I do understand where you're coming from :)

Unknown said...

Good answer!!

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Valerie @ Intriguing Reads