Friday, March 30, 2012

Follow Friday

Q: Do you read one book at a time or do you switch back and forth between two or more?

Most of the time I have two print books going at the same time, and two ebooks as well. It's not unheard of, however, for me to add yet another print one if I need to read it quickly for a blog tour or something like that.


Jessica (Peace Love Books) said...

Wow, five books at a time??? I'd never be able to do that! Hope you have a good Friday :)

Here's my FF!

Froggy said...

wow, I feel like a slacker doing 2 at a time!!


Escapism Fanatic said...

% books is also way too much for me. 3 books to the most after which they get difficult to distinguish.
Thanks for stopping by earlier.

Jessica@Booked Up! said...

Hi! Great answer, I totaly agree. I love your blog and am a new follower! Would love if you could follow my blog back?

Jessica from Booked Up!

Sonnie said...

*New follower via GFC*

I love your blog! It's so beautiful!

I can't read that many at one time lol. I would get the characters/ worlds confused :P

Hope you have a great weekend!

Here's my post: Lit Girl: Follow Firday

Lianne said...

When I was a kid/teenager I used to read a bunch of books at once. Now I prefer to have just one. If I'm reading an audiobook or a non-fiction book, then I'll have another book going at the same time, because I have to read in bed, and I can't read non-fiction or audiobooks in bed. :)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Wow! That's impressive! I can only handle one at a time! Whether it's a print or kindle book, it's just one at a time for me!

Here's my Friday Hops

Have a GREAT weekend!

Old Follower :)

Unknown said...

Lots of multi-tasking readers I've noticed! Just one book at a time for me:) Love you're pretty Pre Raphaelite blog design! New follower:)

Alissa said...

Wow! I'm jealous you can handle so many books at once!

Megan said...

Jeez four books at a time! That's amazing!

Thanks for following me, I'm following you now too!

Dalene @ A Date with a Book said...

I'm not a one book reader either, but I usually only have one of each (print and ebook) sometimes a third and the genres vary. I am a mood reader. Here's my FF

Felicia said...

Wow! And I though juggling two books at a time was a hassle! lol. You must be some multi-tasker.

Thanks for stopping by and following. Am now following your blog too :)

Livin' Life Through Books

veela-valoom said...

I read multiple books at the same time as well!

Check out my follow friday

Sarah said...

Old follower now also following through networked blogs, 5 books at a time I'm impressed I can only manage the 1, my FF

Reading Kelly said...

There is no way I could keep up with that many books at one time. I'm a one book at a time kind of girl :)
Old follower. Happy reading!

Cayce said...

I'm the same. I read at least one print book and 2-3 ebooks at the same time.

Thanks for stopping by my FF! :)