For this week’s Musing Monday, I’m going to give you the option to answer any of the following questions — or, if you prefer, you can answer them all! Have fun! {questions were supplied by my readers when asked for suggestions}
• If you had to choose only 3 books to read forever, which ones would you choose? {source}
• Is there a character that you absolutely love but that you cannot get a good mental picture of? {source}
• Make a plea for your favorite book. Make others wanna read it! {source}
• If you could create a soundtrack for a book you’ve read recently, which songs would you use and why? {source}
• Do you read outside your preferred genre? Has your preferred genre changed? {source}
• Do you have a favorite book/movie combination? {source}
• Name a book that you thought you wouldn’t like much, but you ended up loving. {source}
• If you were Book Czar of the world, is there one book you would like to require every kid to read? {source}
Three books to read forever. Hmmm. I would have to go with Crime and Punishment by Dostoevsky; the entire Harry Potter collection (yes, I am cheating a little) and The Poisonwood Bible by Barbara Kingsolver.
A book that I didn't think I'd like but ended up loving was The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger. I don't usually read books that are that heavy on the romance, so I was a bit wary of this one, but I ended up absolutely loving it.
I chose the 4th HP book on my 3. I started the Time Traveler's Wife on audio, but a disc was really scratched, so I had to stop and I never got to finish it because of this. Hopefully I will get back to it soon though. Here is my Musing!
Vyki @ On The Shelf
Already wrote on Vyki's Musing they should release the HP series as one book. I did not pick one of them cause then I want to have them all.
My Musing Monday
three books?
Oooh, Crime & Punishment is an awesome choice! I didn't care for the Kingsolver book, I am the only person on earth who didn't love it, I think.
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